Credit cards, student loans, and other types of debt can delay your financial dreams. Money spent on debt payments is money not added to your retirement account, emergency fund, or other money goals. Use our financial resources and tools to help speed up the time to eliminate debt and redirect those funds to other goals.
Using Credit Cards
Credit cards offer a convenient way to pay for everyday expenses and special purchases. When used responsibly, they can be a powerful money management tool. Credit cards can help track spending, offer purchase protection, and help improve your credit score. But, it’s easy to forget those 16-digits can either help improve your financial well-being or cause lasting damage.
Not all debt is bad debt. Unless you have the cash to pay for a home, vehicle, or college education, going into debt to pay for these items might be the only way for you to obtain them. But, growing account balances can interfere with your other financial dreams, such as early retirement. Regardless of how much you owe, it’s possible to manage debt while staying in control of your finances.